Mr. DiGiacomo
Teacher Name: Mr. Paul DiGiacomo
Phone Number: 652-3000 ext. 5095
E-mail Address:
Grade: 4-5 Physical Education
E-mail Address:
Grade: 4-5 Physical Education
- Sneakers are required to participate in physical education class.
- No jewelry is to be worn during physical education class. All watches, rings, bracelets and necklaces are to be left in school assigned locker. If your child has pierced ears, post earrings are acceptable. Earrings that dangle below the ear are not permissible due to the fact that they could get caught and tear the ear lobe.
- If your child needs to be excused from physical education class, please write a note to the school nurse stating the reason. If your child is to be excused from participation for more than one week, a doctor’s note is required. It must state the reason, length of time and date when they can resume activities. If a student is on an extended medical until further notice or excused from units (swim, basketball, wrestling etc) an alternate assignment will be given for class credit. All assignments must be completed.
If you have any questions at anytime, please call me at school:
(716)652–3000 ext. 5095
I'm looking forward to working together to have a happy, healthy and successful school year!